Thursday, March 25, 2010

Long Time, No See

First let me say sorry that I haven't written in so long. Busy is not an excuse, but if it were I would win the award for being busy. Btw, a little congrats to myself... I just got inducted into Mortar Board which is a very prestigious honor society that is extremely selective. I'm giving myself a pat on the back right now!
So, I'm not sure who I've told but I have changed my major to teaching... which I LOVE, but now I will graduating a semester late :( I am not happy about that, but what's one semester compared to a whole life of not having a job you love, right?

A little recap on the last month... ADPi conference in Knoxville, Spring Break in Daytona (Woot Woot), Valentine's Day (more commonly referred to as Single Awareness Day), lots of community service stuff and tons of schoolwork! See pictures if you want to catch up on my latest endeavors.

I don't really have much to write about today, but I just wanted to catch everyone up on what's going on so that I can get back in the swing of frequent writings.

I did start going to Campus Outreach here on Tuesdays at 9pm and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! It seriously is awesome... I wish I would have found it when I was a measly little freshman, because I've definitely missed out!

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know I changed my blog address to
    Hope all is well.
    Take Care!
    Julie S.
