Friday, January 8, 2010

The Move

Well, it's actually happening. Over Christmas break, ironically while I was in China, my apartment was broken into. Multiple crow-bar marks on our door and the locks broken. Being the chicken I am, I am way too freaked out to continue living there and Mom and Dad were right once again when they told me not to live there in the first place. In that same week, one of my roommates boyfriends was walking out of our door when he was shot with a BB gun. Yet another reason why I have to move. I know God tells us not to live in fear, but I also don't think he would want us intentionally living in an unsafe neighborhood. So, today hopefully I will be moving back into the dorms. One of my sisters is going to move into my room and I will have a private in the dorms. I am feeling bittersweet about this. I'm excited to live on the floor as president and be on campus again which is really convenient, but I truly love my roommates and I know we'll still be friends but there's something more intimate about actually living with someone.
Thank you Lord for keeping us safe thus far and for none of us being there when the break-in happened. Please help me to not be too sad about the move and to make the best of it. Please let my roommates miss me and not forget about me ha ha :) Amen.
I'm sure Mom and Daddy are thrilled about having to move me yet again, but they say as long as I'm safe it's OK. I think they will sleep better at night with me living in a monitored dorm rather than in the Richmond ghetto ha ha.
Thanks for your prayers!

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